Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
How to be miserable!
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
OCTOBER 30TH, 10AM - 5PM Clueless couples in Covid
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
How to hate your life… or at least be miserable most of the time.
Why do we compare? Because we have forgotten what happiness is… for ourselves. What I mean is happiness, is different for each of us.
Im not talking about fulfillment… that only comes from Jesus, but if we want to be happy, at least most of the time we need to learn how to not compare.
Social media and media in general is evil. Its a liar. It is a mental swamp that slowly perverts and drowns what is actually important in our lives.
So I asked myself when have I been the most happiest in the past year.
Easy… When I was with my family and my best friends. We were not doing anything crazy - we were not on vacations or bear hunting or driving sports cars or whatever you might think. We - that would be me and my family were just hanging out talking, laughing and enjoying food and maybe a good cup of coffee or a glass of wine. My best of friends… same thing. Hanging out talking, laughing and ok, maybe shooting some guns. But we did not have perfect buns, bulging biceps, driving exotic cars or vacationing in Italy eating gelato.
So why are we not happy?
Think about it for a second… social media is for two reasons and really only two reasons. To sell you stuff and to sell you stuff.
What do I mean? One is to actually sell you stuff that you think will make you happy. Shirts, gadgets, services, shoes, drinks, potions… whatever it might be.
Second thing it sells you is what life is supposed to look like. Social media says, you must be beautiful or muscle bound, have great looking friends, do amazing and daring stuff, eat great food and have daily adventures that make life a buzz and treat!
Many of us use social media like a nookie.
Ever have a kid that has to have his nookie? You try as hard as you can to break him of it, but they need it. You think you need social media simply because it has been a habit.
And it may actually be the worst habit you can have… why?
Social media may promote negative experiences such as:
Inadequacy about your life or appearance. Even if you know that images you’re viewing on social media are manipulated, they can still make you feel insecure about how you look or what’s going on in your own life. Similarly, we’re all aware that other people tend to share just the highlights of their lives, rarely the low points that everyone experiences.
Fear of missing out (FOMO).
Isolation. A study at the University of Pennsylvania found that high usage of Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram increases rather decreases feelings of loneliness. Conversely, the study found that reducing social media usage can actually make you feel less lonely and isolated and improve your overall wellbeing.
Depression and anxiety. Human beings need face-to-face contact to be mentally healthy. Nothing reduces stress and boosts your mood faster or more effectively than eye-to-eye contact with someone who cares about you. The more you prioritize social media interaction over in-person relationships, the more you’re at risk for developing or exacerbating mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Self-absorption. Sharing endless selfies and all your innermost thoughts on social media can create an unhealthy self-centeredness and distance you from real-life connections.
So do yourself a favor and boost your happiness by going on a social media fast for a couple days, a week maybe even a month. You might be surprised just how freeing it is.
and in the meantime do what scripture tells believers to do. Meet regularly, eat, talk jesus, tell stories, pray together and enjoy what God has done. Trust me- happiness is just around the corner!
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Fail again and again and again...
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
OCTOBER 30TH, 10AM - 5PM Clueless couples in Covid
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
Train your mind to see opportunities.
I was thinking about the Disciple Peter and how he and all the disciples came from simple beginnings and how all of them completely changed their minds… Yes Jesus changed their lives, but he also helped them change their minds. They all had negative and unhealthy beginnings to some degree and they could have all stayed in that rut of being who they though they were… but God was able to radically change them and also their futures.
The I headed off to the gym. My goal at the gym is to build relationships and then tell people about Jesus. A work out is second… trust me there are days I don’t work out at the gym, but I do get to share Christ… and its worth it. So I have been working on 2 men from Trinidad, who are Muslim. We have become friends even though we drastically differ on most beliefs. However today we were talking about why they moved to the States. The one man who is 37 said “I wanted to make a better life for myself”. I asked him what he thought about people who say they are being held back because of color of skin, or limited opportunities etc… (and yes these brothers are black). He laughed and said it is just a matter of seeing opportunities and not road blocks. He then said when he and his brother came over they started working for a moving company simply to learn about how to run a moving company. In 2 years they saved all their money and bought their own truck. They now own 4 trucks, and are looking at buying 2 more. Now here is the crazy thing… he left Trinidad and had a job as an engineer… but he said there were no opportunities. He said he looked, but truly they were all limited.
So now he and his brother are starting 2 more businesses. he said its simple, you just work, save up your money, learn about the business and start small… saving all your money and putting it back into the business.
I know we often think that people don’t change. I know I have met enough people that make you truly wonder “can anybody truly change?”
But it made my come up with a simple list of how to change.
First you must change your mindset. How? By what you choose to focus on. If I said every time you see something red you owe me a dollar… it would drive you crazy… if I said every time you see red I owe YOU a dollar, it would make you joyous and delighted every time you saw red. What changed? Just the fact that you saw one as a problem and another as an opportunity.
Phil. 4:7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.…
But catch the whole meaning… peace will guard your hearts when you focus on the right things… and learn from others what to focus on.
Second, take chances, Risk it, learn to use your faith. Now I am not talking about random stupid choices. But rather choices built on Gods word and by the measure of faith he has given you. The more you use your faith (whether things turn out good or bad) The more it grows, matures… leans out you might say.
Number 3
Cut off negative people. you may have to walk away from family, friends, co workers… and more. But if they are not encouraging you, building you up, increasing your faith… you need to step away… maybe not forever but until you have the mental tenacity to stay focused, positive and believe in yourself regardless of who says otherwise!
Lisa Nichols… one of the highest paid motivational speakers in the world… had to do this. It was hard, but necessary in order to achieve her dreams in record time.
Finally, Revel in failure.
I have stories of how many times I have failed in business, relationships, ideas, heck even in the gym I have stories of failing… But I have learned to revel and enjoy them because I know I have grown from all of them. Every time someone cuts me down and makes fun of me failing I say thank you for the motivation and I would love for you to tell me the last time you failed…. typically silence. Because they have never tried, or they have failed and buried it…or they lie and make it sound like they have never failed.
People don’t succeed simply because they get tired of failing.
Here is the dirty little secret… I am going to tell you the straight up truth. If you really truly want to be successful it is always this easy to understand: Ready?
Success is simply a numbers game.
the more you try, the more you fail until you succeed.
You want bigger successes? Then fail bigger faster.
Thats not only true in the physical world but also the spiritual one as well.
Train your brain to take the pain and grab the gain!
Gymshark sold for 1.5 billion dollars… it was started by a young punk kid who started it as a teenager…at 28 walked away with 1.5 billion dollars… guess what? He had 9 jobs at the time and one was a pizza delivery guy. he owned the other 8 and they were all just meh…
He failed numerous times and then one day BOOM.
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Why are you offended?
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
OCTOBER 30TH, 10AM - 5PM Clueless couples in Covid
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
Matt. 24:10-13 in the end times many will become offended and grow cold in the faith.
What causes a spirit of offense?
1. Unrealistic Expectations
What are your bosses expectations… and by that I mean wife!
- Your husband
- your kids
- Your parents
- Your in laws
- Your neighbors
- Your pastor
I told my boys friends after a few visits… you are now expected to get your own food, drink snacks… Don’t ask permission - just eat!
2. Our own Wounded Spirit
When we understand who we are in Christ and surrender to a life following Jesus, we are able to start working through our wounds and not use them as a filter to judge others.
3. Holding on to Things too Long
Sometimes we are insulted and we just have to shake it off. Keep things in perspective. Friendships are valuable and it is helpful if we acquire the skill of letting things go.
1 Peter 4:8 love covers a multitude of sins…
multitude - all the little things
4. Assuming a Negative Intent
I have gotten better at not assuming another person’s intent. I am trying to believe that they did not mean what I interpreted. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Edna Roberts holding pictures up - negative stories.
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
I'm offended... I'm offended
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
OCTOBER 30TH, 10AM - 5PM Clueless couples in Covid
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
Matt. 24:10-13 in the end times many will become offended and grow cold in the faith.
We live in the most offended times in the world!
OFFENSE - A SPIRIT OF SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS. You are right and your rights are most important.
Here is a thought: you can be right… and someone can be wrong - and you can still have an attitude of offense.
“I’m right… but this is right… this is how it’s done”
Love holds no record of wrongs
Logozamai - illogical -
- We live in a broken world
- We become offended
- We nurse the offense
- We live offended and offend others and God
- We justify our offense
- We forget who God is and forget we live in a broken world (repeat)
*We forget who God is… what does that mean?
We forget he is our righteousness…
People who get offended are self righteous - they don’t need God they just simply need to be treated right and up to their standard of how special and perfect they are.
Pain and unforgiveness leading to a spirit of offense causes control and performance issues.
Every area of unforgiveness is a place of protection for the satan to work in your life.
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
You never know...
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
OCTOBER 30TH, 10AM - 5PM Clueless couples in Covid
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
Who is the last person in the world you would ever expect to accept Christ?
Your sinful stuttering alcoholic boss.
Your neighbor who has a different woman over every night?
Your old high school buddy who is now a drug dealer.
The muslim at the local corner gas station.
What about your father in law who is an atheist and constantly nags on you about believing in God?
You never know!
I was training a young man at my gym a few years ago. His father was a military guy… a lifer. In for 25 years and getting to retire in about 3. He was a military guy… hard nosed, disciplined… the military had taught him a few words that I had never heard of. On the outside he was the last guy who would have ever come to Christ in that season of my life. So what happened? Last time I saw him was at the gym… he came up and hugged me and thanked me for leading him to Christ… and then on top of it God gave him a word of knowledge for me. Hit me right between the eyes!
You never know.
Luke 9:10 Now there was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias; and the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.” 11 And the Lord said to him, “Get up and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying, 12 and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him, so that he might regain his sight.” 13 But Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many people about this man, how much harm he did to Your saints in Jerusalem; 14 and here he has authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on Your name.” 15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel;
You never know.
Ananias was seeing God and hearing God in the supernatural but still thinking in the natural. HELLO? Did you catch that? He is in the presence of God in the supernatural, but still thinking in the natural. How many of us have heard or seen God and know he is asking us to do something… and while we are hearing and seeing God in the supernatural we are reasoning with our natural minds.
We all want the easy fruit. The guy who asks US… how do we come to know Christ. I have had a few of those. I walked into a laundry mat to wash my huge comforter and there was a guy in there who said hello. I said hi, how are you today? He unloaded… life was bad, his wife was sick and he had no hope. I didn’t share much of a testimony, I just simply said would you like to give your heart to Christ and allow him to take over. He said yes, we prayed, God moved on him. He came to Christ and now worships him fully.
Just had another guy at Sams club introduce me to his girlfriend and say this is the guy who led me to Christ.. it was very much the same way….
But there have been a few… well that just don’t seem right, or obvious… or should we say “have any chance at all to be open to Christ”.
I have friends who were both previously married. Then found Christ, and got married to each other. The mans ex wife was a terror. She constantly berated him for not enough money, how he handled the kids, she would come over and scream at him in front of his new wife … it was truly horrific. One night he came home and found his wife with his ex wife sitting at the kitchen table crying… and praying. His wife had led his ex wife to Christ. And it was a truly powerful conversion. Now on the outside… she was definitely a Saul… but now in just seconds she had become a Paul.
you never know.
You know that person who just has no chance of ever coming to Christ? You never know… they just may be the person Christ has chosen to be a key instrument in his plan for eternity.
You never know
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Summer is almost over
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
Jeremiah 8:20 Harvest is past, summer is ended, And we are not saved.
The prophet is overcome with grief as he foresees the tragic end of the nation. The people wonder why God their King does not save them. God replies that it is because of their idolatry. They now realize that they can no longer expect his salvation (18-20). Nothing can heal Judah’s spiritual sickness now; the end has come. And nothing can heal the wounds of grief in Jeremiah’s heart as he sees his people suffer (21-22).
According to Easton's Bible Dictionary, Idolatry is "image-worship or divine honour paid to any created object.”
Other areas in scripture point that idolatry is worshiping anything other then God, be it a deity, person, object etc…
Paul describes the origin of idolatry in Romans 1:21-25: men forsook God, and sank into ignorance and moral corruption (Romans 1:28).
The steps taken:
You look away from God
You no longer serve him
You now put your faith in other created beings or objects
There are people who worship the government… they will save us. They are so smart and always have our best interest in mind…
Your pastor is your savior… unless he falls to corruption, adultery or new age doctrine… and then you fall away because you worshiped him
Your political stance is your savior.
Your quasi mix of religious and cultural accepted norms are your religion.
Your “Spiritual”
Your agnostic
You are atheist
You are a satanist…
You just simply worship you. What you want, what is easy for you, what works for you, what makes life understandable and allows you to fit into the crowd, the system the circle of friends and the work crew.
You worship comfort… oh, but you are the first one to blame God when things don’t go right… Just like the children of Israel.
Im not sure where America is on the end times timeline… but I know we are getting closer to being cleared off the face of the earth.
what do I mean?
We are not mentioned in the end times. So as we covered a few months ago the options for the US are simple
Nuked to ashes
Taken over by another country by force or by bankruptcy
Given up to the European nations to be saved by our corrupt and bankrupt country.
And or the final one which could happen along the lines of any of these others…
We are raptured and those left must be taken care of by another country.
But I know this… I am torn. I want God to come back, but I also want more time for those who do not yet know him… oh and selfishly I would like our once great Godly and great country to Godly and great again.
So lets us repent, pray and share the love of Christ…
Summers almost over.
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Risk it like a Biscuit
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
Risk it like a biscuit
On June 18, 1971, the founder and current CEO of FedEx, Frederick W. Smith founded the company Federal Express (FedEx) with his $4 million inheritance and raised an additional $91 million in venture capital such that it could potentially deliver packages overnight to anywhere in the world. This is something that, at that time, had never been done.
Unfortunately, three years after the company began, because of the rapidly rising fuel costs,Federal Express was on the verge of bankruptcy, losing over $1 million a month, with no one willing to give them any additional loans nor any investors interested in contributing capital. Smith reached a point when the company’s account had only $5,000 and he couldn’t afford to refuel the planes that delivered FedEx’s shipments. Smith made a final pitch to General Dynamics for more funding, but was refused, leaving FedEx more or less dead on the ground when they would not be able to fuel their planes the following Monday.
Still, Smith refused to surrender. He took the last $5,000 and flew to Las Vegas, placed the company’s remaining money on Black Jack bets over the weekend and won an additional $27,000 by Monday. It wasn’t a huge windfall, but the total $32,000 was enough to refuel the planes and keep the business running for a few more days. After a few days Smith successfully managed to raise $11 million to keep the company afloat and, by 1976, Federal Express made its first profit of $3.6 million.
If he had given up, and didn't take the risk of gambling, there would be no FedEx now.
Why do we risk?
Up bringing
Peer pressure
Experienced the high of risky behavior- we become addicted to it
How do we risk?
What does Jesus say about Risk?
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
Risk isn’t stupidity… it is a calculated risk. So God gives us the formula
NO FEAR + Power + Love + Self control = a calculated step of risk.
Now if you are missing any of those… you are just being foolish!
No risk no reward - but even more so - no risk, no maximum growth, no great stories… No move of God, and basically no faith.
Faith is spelled R.I.S.K.
Do you realize all the great stories in the bible come down to one basic ingredient - God told someone what to do and they took a risk and obeyed God… and now we have a great story.
How do we overcome the enemy?
Rev. 12:11
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
Ecclesiastes 10:8 “When you dig a well, you might fall in. When you demolish an old wall, you could be bitten by a snake.”
There is always a reason to not take a risk…
But there is always someone still willing to take the risk
Today may that person be you!
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
The Perfect Job
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
What is YOUR job description
Have you ever been given a horrible job description?
or one that is just so long and tedious it literally makes you think to yourself… no one can do this.
Ever want to write your own? Well hang on Francis…
What is the worst job description ever given? I am sure you have heard stories that make you cringe. What about the tale of Ernest Shackleton’s job posting in his local paper to travel with him to the Antarctic circle.
“Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in event of success.”
Ernest shackleton
But I want to challenge you with a thought that many have missed taking advantage of, and that is this: What is YOUR job description? Truly, what is the job description you have given yourself for your life?
MY job description says even when I am tired I still do the work, even when I don’t know what to do, I figure it out, even if I don’t have the money I run after it, and if it is a challenge than I choose to love it. My job description says I take the blame and the responsibility. I choose to plan and rework and plan and rework until it works. I think you get the idea.
Your inner values were built while you were a child. From these values you subconsciously have built a daily job description.
It might be as simple as to hold a grudge when people hurt you, don’t forgive. Give up when you are overwhelmed, or remind yourself that you are not good enough. Look for excuses and blame problems on others and of course always feel like everyone else is lucky and privileged.
Whats holding you back? Maybe it’s as simple as the wrong job description.
On the other hand you may have realized you ARE the Boss of your life. Remember as a kid snapping at someone “You don’t get to tell me what to do”. We believed it… (back then). Maybe it’s time we start to walk in that mindset again. We should all take time to write out our job description for us, for our future, for our life. Remember “you don’t get to tell me what to do… only I do”!
Joshua 24:15 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
What Joshua is saying here…
Hey there are people who want to write your job description for you: Your ancestors, the other gods of the amorites…
Or let me put it this way… there are others out there who will write your job description for you… Your co-workers, boss, neighbors, spouse, in laws, parents, the media etc… you can live by their job description or you can live by Gods job description. You choose.
I read Gods word daily not just for spiritual knowledge but also to have insights to what my job description is for me. God what have you called me to do… and guess what? It almost always flys in the face of what others want for me and my life. AND I WILL ADD it many times flys in the face of what I want.
But when I do follow Gods job description… it ultimately brings freedom, blessing and a much deeper faith.
So what’s your job description?
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Vitamin R
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Jesus t-shirt!
Giant slayer water bottles, hoodies, t shirts
Man up shirts… on a cross changed my life
TDA Couples conference, married, engaged, dating etc…
Vitamin R
REV 2:1 "To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:
These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands: 2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.
REV 2:4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5 Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first (Repeat). If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. 6 But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
Simple; remember back to when you were on fire for God and do it again!
Amazingly John does not give some incredible advice. He simply says after you repent you must go back to what you had done in the beginning to get your fire back.
Repetition is the best teacher! You may not want to practice your sport or instrument but you must continue to do this to make it a pleasure giving habit!!
When I was most in love with Jesus “head over heels” in love… I found it easy to go to church, worship, pray, read my bible. And when I don’t feel head over heels in love with jesus, I have learned to still do that because feelings come and go.
The point is - Jesus is not saying “go by feelings, but rather when you did feel on fire what did you do… now do that. And keep doing that!
I always ask people who are struggling with their faith or their walk with Christ this question. If a friend came to you and said my spiritual walk is feeling flat… what should I do? What would you tell them?
Ok, now do that.