
52 minutes ago
5 reasons you don't need friends!
52 minutes ago
52 minutes ago
Navigating friendships can be complex, and sometimes, it becomes clear that a particular friendship isn't sustainable. Here are five warning signs that a friendship might not work out:
- Consistent One-Sidedness:
- If you consistently feel like you're the one putting in all the effort—initiating contact, planning activities, or providing emotional support—it's a red flag. Healthy friendships involve reciprocity.
- Lack of Mutual Respect:
- Disrespect can manifest in various ways, such as belittling your opinions, dismissing your feelings, or disregarding your boundaries. If you feel consistently undervalued or disrespected, the friendship is likely to be damaging.
- Frequent Drama or Toxicity:
- While occasional disagreements are normal, constant drama, negativity, or toxic behavior can drain your energy and well-being. If the friendship consistently creates more stress than joy, it's a significant warning sign.
- Erosion of Trust:
- Trust is fundamental to any strong friendship. If your trust has been repeatedly broken through lies, betrayals, or breaches of confidence, it's difficult to maintain a healthy connection.
- Feeling Worse After Interactions:
- Ideally, spending time with friends should leave you feeling uplifted or supported. If you consistently feel drained, anxious, or negative after interacting with this person, it's a sign that the friendship is having a detrimental impact on your emotional health.
My three closest Best friends… and I believe you can really only have 1 best friend… but that is debatable- however I don’t think you can have more than three from what I see in scripture… anywhoooo
Here are three common denominators in these relationships
We don’t have to talk all the time… we may go weeks, but we can easily pick up from where we left off. The trust and the friendship is long and trusted so much so that nobody ever panics… did I do something wrong… he hasn’t texted or talked to me in weeks…. However we rarely go weeks without communicating.
We are brutally honest… and it does not affect our friendships whatsoever - in the least.
Bike trip… what you said was right, how you said it made you look like a butthole…
3rd and I truly believe this is a huge one. We all have the same sense of humor… yes ours is twisted, and would probably offend some…maybe quite a few, but that is a bond that is unbreakable… and it gets us through the tough times with each other. When I am ready to punch babies in the face they will crack me up many times at my own expense and I love it. It keeps me grounded. If you saw our texts you would think we were in Junior high…

3 days ago
Knowing and Believing = Power
3 days ago
3 days ago
Garth Heckman
The David Alliance
- A. The Three Visitors:
- Three men appear to Abraham near the oaks of Mamre.
- They announce that Sarah will have a son.
- Sarah laughs at the announcement.
- B. Isaac's Birth:
- Sarah conceives and bears Isaac.
- Abraham is 100 years old.
She is a woman full of doubt… BUT GOD HONORS HIS WORD
SARAH She is a woman full of doubt.
Faith feeds the invisible (so does fear)
Hebrews 11:11 By faith even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised.
v. 11 A dative of accompaniment
She received faith… i.e. by faith of Abraham she received the gift of a son.
It was not Sarahs faith it was Abrahams faith that got her pregnant.
You don’t have to believe… I will believe for you!

3 days ago
My Wife OR a Million Dollars?
3 days ago
3 days ago
Garth Heckman
The David Alliance
Abe is the father of our faith
Galatians 3:6 In the same way, “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.” 7 The real children of Abraham, then, are those who put their faith in God.
8 What’s more, the Scriptures looked forward to this time when God would make the Gentiles right in his sight because of their faith. God proclaimed this good news to Abraham long ago when he said, “All nations will be blessed through you.” 9 So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith.
Detailed outline of Abraham's life as described in the Bible, primarily in the Book of Genesis:
I. Early Life and Call (Genesis 11:26-12:9)
- C. The Divine Call:
- God commands Abram to leave his country, His family, and father's house.
*God must have shown up in a major way for Abraham to just leave.
He was the father of our Faith. He practiced great faith with no history or foundation in who God was.
7 promises give to Abraham by God
-1 I will make your descendants/nation a great nation
-2 I will bless you
-3 I will make your name great
-4 I will make you a blessing to others
-5 I will bless those that bless you
-6 I will curse those who curse you
-7 Through you people from every nation on the earth will be blessed.
Abrahams father died in Haran…. And now…
- D. Journey to Canaan:
- Abram, Sarai, and Lot depart from Haran.
- Abram is 75 years old.
- They travel to Shechem in Canaan.
- God appears to Abram, promising the land to his offspring.
- Abram builds an altar to the Lord.
- Abram moves to Bethel and then continues to the Negev.
II. Sojourn in Egypt and Return (Genesis 12:10-13:18)

4 days ago
She was SMOKING Hot!
4 days ago
4 days ago
Garth Heckman
The David Alliance
II. Sojourn in Egypt and Return (Genesis 12:10-13:18)
- A. Famine in Canaan:
- A famine forces Abram to go to Egypt.
- B. Sarai's Deception:
- Abram fears the Egyptians will kill him for Sarai, who is beautiful.
- They agree that Sarai will say she is Abram's sister…. SHE TECHNICALLY IS HIS HALF SISTER… SAME FATHER.
- Pharaoh takes Sarai into his house.
- God plagues Pharaoh's house.
- Pharaoh discovers the deception and sends Abram away with Sarai.
- C. Return to Canaan:
- Abram returns to Bethel with Lot.
- Abram is now very wealthy.

7 days ago
You don't want to be me!
7 days ago
7 days ago
The David Alliance
Garth Heckman
Title: Created to Be You: Embracing God's Design
- Begin by acknowledging that in today's world, there's a lot of pressure to conform, to fit into certain molds. But what does God's Word say about our individuality?
- Ask the group: "Have you ever felt pressure to be someone you're not? Where does that pressure come from?"
Scripture Readings:
- Psalm 139:13-16:
- "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
- Discussion points:
- What does it mean to be "fearfully and wonderfully made"?
- How does this passage emphasize God's intentionality in creating each of us?
- How does the fact that God saw your "unformed body" and ordained your days, indicate his personal involvement in our lives?
- "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
- Genesis 1:27:
- "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
- "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
I have learned early on if I am singing a song that I wrote… don’t worry about how my voice lines up to anyone else’s… Do you think Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Kim Carnes, Ronnie James Dio, Louis Armstrong, Tom Waits, Stephen Pearcy… I could go on and on… do you think they wished they sounded like Adelle? NOT a chance, they would not be famous right now… they are themselves and famous because of it.
If I preach a sermon… I have many times wished I could preach like other pastors and communicators… their set up, their delivery, their insight, their knowledge beyond scripture… WOW… but I have learned I am always at my best when I am just me.
- Discussion points:
- What does it mean to be created "in God's image”? IT TRULY MEANS TO BE WHO HE CREATED YOU TO BE.
- How does this verse establish our inherent worth and dignity?
- How does this verse indicate that all humans have value, and are created uniquely?
- Discussion points:
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-27:
- This passage speaks of the body of Christ, with each member having a unique and vital function.
- Discussion points:
- How does this analogy illustrate the importance of our individual gifts and contributions?
- How does this passage encourage us to value our differences and recognize our interdependence?
- How does this apply to our individual personalities, and giftings?
- Romans 12:2:
- "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
- Discussion points:
- What does it mean to "not conform to the pattern of this world"?
- How does the renewing of our minds help us embrace our true selves?
- How does knowing God's will relate to being our authentic selves?
Key Takeaways:
- God's intentional design: God created each of us with unique gifts, talents, and personalities.
- Value in individuality: Our differences are not flaws but essential parts of God's plan.
- Freedom from conformity: We are called to live authentically, not to imitate the world's standards.
- God's image: Each person bears the image of God, therefore each person has great value.
- The body of Christ: Our individual uniqueness is vital to the body of Christ.
- Encourage participants to reflect on their own unique qualities and how they can use them to serve God and others.
- Discuss practical ways to resist the pressure to conform and embrace their true selves.
- Pray for the group, that they may find the strength to be whom God created them to be.
- Remind everyone that God loves them unconditionally and celebrates their individuality.
- Encourage them to walk in confidence, knowing that they are fearfully and wonderfully made

Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Bad can = New!
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
The David Alliance
Garth Heckman
- When God wants to do something new,
Certain things seem to happen:
* We are ready but we still have to wait - 7 days on the ark with no rain, after God shut them in.
* People we love do not go with us on our journey
A spouse loses weight and starts to work out… but their significant other does not want to…
You become completely sold out on Christ… but your friends, your spouse, your kids don’t want to come along.
** many times everything has to go… even seemingly good things. God can use destruction, loss and death (as confusing as it is) to bring you new life, new direction and a new understanding of who he is.
Nature will use fires to destroy a few thousand acres of forest… but it ultimately brings greater growth.
*We may not understand the the process (build a boat… whats a boat?), the answer (fill it with animals) or the outcome… but trust God anyway.
- When they started all over Noah and his family had the same set up as Adam… and yet man still fell into darkness and messed up… fresh starts do not mean a different out come without the cross of Jesus Christ.

Monday Mar 17, 2025
Judge or Love?
Monday Mar 17, 2025
Monday Mar 17, 2025
The David Alliance
Garth Heckman
We judge others… it is natural, it is sometimes needed, but in a SINFUL WORLD may we have the eyes and heart of Noah. He saw where people were at…
What if you had glasses you could put on and you put them on after making a judgement call.
- Noah was in a evil wicked sinful world. Debauchery, sexual deviancy, witchcraft… and yet he was a preacher of righteousness. 2 Peter 2:5
MY PHONE CALL THIS WEEK: on a scale of one to ten, 1 you are going to hell. 10 you are going to heaven… where are you?
We judge others… it is natural, it is sometimes needed, but in a SINFUL WORLD may we have the eyes and heart of Noah. He saw where people were at…
What if you had glasses you could put on and you put them on after making a judgement call.

Sunday Mar 16, 2025
The hardest good bye!
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
Sunday Mar 16, 2025
The David Alliance
Garth Heckman
What was your hardest goodbye?
Chpt. 7 come into the Ark. * God is there…. And Noah doesn’t want to see people perish… God must call him in and God must shut the door.
**God knows who has rejected him, who will not come to him… God judges, God shuts the door. It is not up to us to shut the door.
Gary Palermo - Night of a revival… says to family “tonight is the last night you will have to accept Jesus”. That night they were in a horrific car accident and all died.

Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Please rule over me
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
The David Alliance
Garth Heckman
Commercial #1 for Garth consideration
If you believe that the only hope for God’s world is a Great Awakening could you please check out our website Collective Prayer Network (.org). As God puts it on your heart, can you pray for a Great Awakening. It could be a couple of minutes a day, a week, or He may ask you to skip a meal and pray. Pray the rosary. Whatever God tells you, can you obey? Thank you and together can we as God’s children Bless God.
(Boston Accent 23 seconds)
There are two types of people in this world… those who love authority and those who love having authority over them… and those who love authority that can be manipulated… and those who manipulate authority to look like they don’t have authority… and wait… what?
What is the most authority you have ever been given? As a Valet in Dallas I was asked once to not park cars (we had a pretty big crew) and rather than park cars… I ran security at the door for the club we were at… it was definitely a test in integrity. No one gets in… unless they have a C note, no one gets in unless they are bigger than you and are intimidating, no one gets in unless she and her friends are absolutely dropped gorgeous….
Adam was given the order to Reign… he was the bouncer of the garden of eden.
He was over creation… naming it, running it, multiplying it… he was the authority… But
When he sinned he covered himself up with that which he was supposed to be over.
Gen. 3 Adam goes from having all power and authority over all of creation to covering himself up with that which he was supposed to be over.
Adam and Eve and cover themselves… they cover up their identity/power… and they hide under the trees… they submit to the worlds power… we are under the worlds power, covered in the worlds authority not ours.
How many people Xn and non Xn cover themselves up with creation… they hide under cars, houses, makeup, push up bras, hobbies, money, Worldly causes, jobs, positions, trophies, accolades, popularity, clothes, muscles…etc…
And their authority is set under who the world says they are. You are BLM supporter, you are democrat, you are a republican, a tree hugger, you are an anti Vaxer, you are a pro gun nut… right or wrong, good or bad… you choose to follow the worlds power and authority then to choose to be over it… meaning, I first go by what the Bible says and not media or my flesh or my emotions.
You are called to be the authority in this world through Christ. He has given you his power and authority BUT>>> you choose to lay it down and submit to the worlds power and authority?
Which Adam has dominion over your life? The sinful nature passed on through the first, or the new life offered by the last?

Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
I don't have a bellybutton
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
The David Alliance
Garth Heckman
If you believe that the only hope for God’s world is a Great Awakening could you please check out our website Collective Prayer Network (.org). As God puts it on your heart, can you pray for a Great Awakening. It could be a couple of minutes a day, a week, or He may ask you to skip a meal and pray. Pray the rosary. Whatever God tells you, can you obey? Thank you and together can we as God’s children Bless God.
I always used to ask this trivia question to teenagers as a youth pastor… Did Adam have a bellybutton?
But guess what… it’s not funny anymore becasue I no longer have a bellybutton… true story…
What was his job?
Ever name your child? - thats fun…
My name was to be “DANAE”
By naming the animals he was using his authority and his dominion and understanding of Gods creation.
Adam's role in naming the animals is part of his identity and purpose.
He was fulfilling his role as a man in right standing with God.
By naming the animals, Adam exercises authority, reflecting the order God established in creation.
Naming the animal was giving the job description.
So satan does what?….
Sermon on Adam Adam was given the task of naming things and being over them but what happened he started to listen to Satan naming him and naming Eve. Satan said no this is who you are. This is who God says you are. This is what will happen. Once he allows Satan to name him, he fell into sin and deception. And then hid himself under creation rather than being over it.