Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Rule, Goal and Value #1
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Number one value in Leadership: Relationships
you cannot have bad relationships and be a good leader. Now I am not saying you are not tough, honest, push hard… but its done in a way that your team knows you love them.
I had a girl in my youth group. Troubled home… she was 14 going on 40. She was smart as a whip, disciplined, street smart and could be a total disturbance. She was a leader on our youth team… she could lead the whole Frosh girl class on a tantrum… she could cause the group to lose focus… she had that much power. I was so mad and pulled her into my office after youth one night… I was ready to just rip into her and tell her she can no longer be a leader… and then it hit me. All this girl has ever had in her life is being ripped on and ripped off and ripped under. I realized it had to be loved. So I spent 15 minutes praising her. Talking about her gifts, her responsibility and even ended it by saying “If I had 2 more of you we could run a small country”. And then at the end I said “this is why it is so valuable to me that you use your gifts and influence to help push the other girls to Christ and not use it to distract them”. That was it. Then I told her again how much I loved her and appreciated her in leadership. Over night she changed. She got it and I even bet she knew what I was doing… but all the more she appreciated it.
Number one Rule in leadership: Assume more responsibility than required. It is not enough to “own it”. Do you lead that particular area like you are getting ready to show it to the world… or to Jesus. Do you want someone to take care of your ministry, your job, your task, your vision… the way you take care of your car? (not if it’s me… my car is a mess)
The point is that to truly lead it is not enough to do just the bare minimum or just the job description. Leadership sees beyond that. I asked a girl once to type up some cards and put them into a file box so that I could look up certain topics… this was the day before computers. I came into my office a little later and my books were all rearranged and I was not happy. I did not have them in any particular order but I at least kind of remembered where they were. I asked her why she did that - and I wasn’t real happy. She said while typing up the cards it occurred to her it would be easier for me to find the books if they were alphabetized by title. And you know what… she was right… and she did a great job. she went above and beyond! Great leadership always goes above and beyond.
Number one Goal in leadership: work harder on yourself than your job or position or skill.
You are you… you are the leader that you bring to the table…so if you want to be a better leader you must first work on you… not your skill or talent or position. Its like being a great artist, but you lack the personal leadership skills to buy enough supplies, get up early to paint, list your stuff on line, get to exhibits on time… You are a great artist… you don’t have to focus working on that… you do need to focus on working on yourself as a leader.
Monday Jun 07, 2021
No Leader? No Problem!
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Leader Lesson 1.0
Sometimes it’s not about wether you are or are not a leader, but more importantly can you spot a leader.
You may not have what it takes, but can you spot someone who is and in turn work for you and fill in your weakness - Well that is a far better skill set in the long run. why? Because even if you are a great leader- there is only one of you. So if you can spot leaders its a huge foundation to the success of your life, spiritual life and all opportunities ahead of you.
Here are 3 things to look for when trying to identify a potential leader.
First, do they lead themselves? This can in fact be misleading- what do I mean?
I look super disciplined in that I go to the gym every day, My body shows the fruits of that, but its
not discipline… its love. I am not not any more disciplined going to the gym every day than asking
a fat kid to eat cake every day. So you need to dig deeper into a person to see how they may actually be a leader.
Number 2
Can they get immersed in a project. Maybe you have heard of the book flow. It is an amazing book talking about how when we do things we love we can fall into a state of flow… time gets lost and we are completely absorbed.
As a high school and college student did they get lost in hobbies, interests, sports and time flew by?
Ask potential leaders hard questions to see if you can identify flow in their lives.
Number 3
Do they make a practice of doing hard things… for some of us its making our bed every day. Are there people in their life they
don’t particularly like but still make a habit of connecting with? Have they started a retirement plan and if so how much of a monthly
sacrifice do they make towards their investments.
Do they have a regular exercise program. Ask them what hard things have you taken on lately and how did you overcome the adversity in learning and conquering these things.
Number 4
Here is a secret I have learned in spotting leaders - ready for this?
They have predictable schedules. Oh sure they may travel due to business or may have to work weekends some times, but all
in all their days mirror each other day perfectly. Here is what I mean. My days are almost so predictable you would think I don’t
get a lot done, but it is actually just the opposite. I get up at the same time every day, I write, record and edit at the same time every day, I read and pray every day at the same time, I eat, snack and read at the same time every day. I work out at the same time every day.
It is the discipline of my schedule that allows me to lead myself and be most productive. Multi tasking is a lie… it actually robs you of focus and productivity. The more you see a potential leader who has a predictable routine the more likely they are productive.
They know their roles daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly.
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Your Choice
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
Its a choice
Your thoughts - your choice
What you look at - your choice
Make excuses? - your choice
What you read - YC
What you look at - YC
What your goals are - YC
If you reach those goals - YC
What your marriage is like - YC
How you act - your choice
What you say - your choice
what you do - your choice
How you respond - your choice
Your health (outside of S&D) - your choice
What you eat - your choice
How smart you are - your choice
What you choose to do with your spare time - YC
How well you know bible - YC
How well you hear God - YC
How much time you spend in prayer - YC
How well you get along with your kids - YC
The job you are in - YC
Your level of education - yc
Your level of income - your choice
How well your dog behaves - YC
How clean your car is, office is, closet is - YC
How well you use your time - YC
Your involvement in church - YC
Whether you change or not - YC
How early you get up - YC
Wether or not you lie - YC
If you look at Porn - YC
If you doubt God - YC
If you practice apathy - YC
If you practice empathy - YC
If you tithe - YC
If you receive Gods blessing - YC
Wether you know how to fight - YC
Can you defend the Christian faith - YC
Your level of happiness - YC
How you spend your money - YC
If you lie to yourself - YC
If you enjoy your extended family - YC
What you watch on TV or screen time - YC
What you listen to - YC
How much time you spend on your phone - YC
Living Gods promises - YC
Intimacy with Jesus - YC
Leaving a Godly legacy - YC
How many friends you have - your choice
Your life… Your choice
And if you are a woman… your shoe size… your choice.
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Attack Attack Attack
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
We saw satan cast down in 2 ways in scripture.
first from his position in heaven, and secondly he was cast down into the heavens…
There are levels of heaven as we understand in Ephesians 6. So he is now at war in the heavens leading principalities, powers, governments and systems in and through his rank in the heavens.
Don’t for a second think that satan has no plan. he is a well informed and well educated enemy. He has dominions under his command and has rank and file of fallen angels that are now demons. They don’t just haphazardly shoot arrows at you.
The word Arrow in the Greek used in Eph. 6 is actually a root word we use for missiles. They are specific, well planned thought out attacks on our weaknesses.
So how do we fight back. Here are 3 things that as men we can do specifically.
Ask yourself these 3 questions:
When hunting or fishing, a good gamesman uses the right bait to lure his prey (Worms, Apples? Buck fever Rut potion) another animal might use the tactic of faking an injury or even making the sound of another animal in distress luring an unsuspecting victim into its grasp.
What are your weakness? or let me put it this way… How would YOU track YOU?
When your sex drive is not being met?
When finances are tight?
When you compare yourself to others?
When you are angry?
You gotta ask yourself what is your bait? What is your weakness?
Once you identify them now you can really start to go to work.
2 - WHEN are you weak?
When your wife won’t have sex with you… do you pout and justify porn?
When you don’t have enough money, do you doubt God and stress out quit tithing and being generous.
When you compare yourself to others… someone gets a new car, job, home, toy… do you go and spend money you don’t have?
When you are angry do you take it out on your wife and kids or over eat?
3 - What is your plan of attack… don’t just defend, but attack!
Recognizing your bait and your weakness is the part everyone does… the part no one typically does is put together a detailed plan of attack against the enemy.
It would be like going to the doctor and getting an X ray. He takes the x ray, shows you what is the matter, what will happen if you don’t deal with it, gives you some solutions and then you go home and just hope it works out by knowing the information.
Men here is the secret: The attack should be offensive. What do I mean by that?
ok, so you are dealing with lust… don’t just pray God help me not see boobies…
your plan is offensive. Yes pray God strengthens you, and pray his grace frees your mind to focus on him. But also have a plan that if you start to lust you go on the attack.
You will go and share the gospel with someone, you will write a check out for a missionary, you will memorize a new verse in the bible. You will call and pray for your pastor or someone in church. You will visit someone in the hospital and pray for them.
And finally your last act of offensive attack is quoting Gods word over your temptation and speaking faith into it. But you have his words ready and memorized and at the tip of your tongue.
So here is a scenario:
You are driving down the road and a beautiful woman is jogging, you just got into a fight with your wife and your mind immediately starts to think of this woman jogging…
Attack: Pull over to a gas station, share Jesus with someone, pull over and call a friend and pray for them, begin to immediately thank God for his word and what it says about you and your wife. Prov. 18:22 he who finds a wife finds a good thing.
This is my mindset when tempted: oh so that is how it is satan…oh ok, your going to pay - and I let him know if you attack me- I attack you and what you stand for.
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Pay the Price
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
How bad do you want it.
Those who know God the best, used by God the most and walk in victory on a more consistent basis have learned one thing matters more than anything else.
Time with God!
I have to set up a meeting a few times a year with someone to find out how I am doing in my spiritual walk. It is a brutal meeting, it is painful and it is nothing but honesty… and that meeting is with me!
Yes me! I ask myself questions like:
Am I really meditating on Gods word when I read it?
Is my prayer time just meandering and repetition?
Am I really putting enough time into seeking God?
Am I really dealing with my sin?
But the key in all of these is “am I willing to pay the price… and that price is almost always more time with God”. It takes time to build intimacy, it takes time to hear his voice, it takes time to press into his presence, it takes time to meditate on his word.
In the ESPN series The Last Dance, talking about Michael Jordans life and legacy. There is a clip in the series where they talk about the Detroit Pistons and how they were the bad boys… they had what was called the Jordan rules. Simply put: you attack him. So in this short clip they interview a celebrity author, black professor who is just a cool dude, he is the kind of guy you would like to just hang out with… but anyway. He has one little sentence that just stands out to me he says something like “How bad do you want it? Are you willing to get hurt just to score a basket?
Sometimes men we have to ask ourselves the same thing.. and deal with the honesty.
How bad to you want to be like Jesus?
Maybe you are honest and you say… well yea, I would, but I need to get my career going, and make some money and hit the gym and be a Dad and a husband and go hunting etc…
But at least be honest and say “I do, but I don’t want to make the sacrifice”.
Or you can answer I do… but I am not making the sacrifice yet… and I need to.
I was just recently on a zoom meeting that was with about 25 business people… We are being mentored by a very successful business person. I was at first shocked at how honest our mentor was with each of us. He basically called many of us out on our BS. He even put up on a screen a spread sheet and ran someones numbers real quick and said “not to embarrass you Mr. Williams, but your numbers don’t add up, you are talking BS”.
I loved it and hated it… my turn was coming up soon.
But at the same time I was thinking “I am paying for this? and I am paying a big some of money for this???”
Because I know me- and I need honesty and I know I need to pay a price if I want something to be the best it can be.
Yesterday we talked about mentoring. How many of you are willing to be mentored to grow in your spiritual walk? How many of you are willing to sacrifice a hobby, some TV time, your computer, your early mornings etc… to connect deeper with God?
Here is the sad state of affairs in most peoples lives. They connect with God a few flashes a week… never really pushing in until there is a problem. How many of us miss the obvious in the Gospels where it says and Jesus got away by himself as was his custom.
Ever try to sneak something through customs when you are traveling?
If your custom is meeting with Jesus for daily long extended periods of time… you won’t get away with much and you will definitely be more like him.
My final word on this subject: Life is busy. We all have the same amount of time. You will have to sacrifice somewhere in your life to find time to be more like Jesus
Many of you will never realize just how worth the sacrifice is… there is no better trade in life.
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Mentor Me!
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
How to find a discipleship/mentor partner for the real world.
I can’t think of a better way to become more like Jesus in my walk then to read, pray, obey and have a mentor!
No matter what the role in life you play, your chance of success is a hundred times greater with a mentor…
Here is one stat just regarding businesses… if you start a business and have a mentor you are more than 70x likely to be in business 5 years later…
93% of all successful startups said it was due to mentoring.
Now I would imagine most followers of Christ who are really truly growing are being mentored.. and yes a bible study group counts… but one on one mentorship is so much better.
Jesus had 12 disciples and they all were different personalities and styles. He discipled them all perfectly… But we will never find Jesus on earth to mentor us… but we can still find a quality mentor.
It was shared at the TDA conference by 2 of our speakers that I had mentored them… which brought a few requests of me to mentor men who were at the conference… sooo…
If you are a pastor… find a pastor with experience
If you are a business person ….
If you are newly married… find someone who is married for years
If you are single…
First off… you are interviewing them. Don’t take the first guy who says yes… find out what they are about.
I would ask them how much they read.
How many books a week or month?
What kind of books?
What kind of podcasts or YT channels do they listen to and how much?
Here is a critical question: What do you do with the information you digest in reading and listening?
Find out what their biggest spiritual lessons have been the past few weeks, months, years and the biggest lesson they have learned in life… these should be spiritual lessons.
Ask them for the last 4 times God spoke to them and what it was about or for whom.
Will this be formal or informal?
Have you mentored others and if so what did they get out of it?
How available are they for you? How available do you want them to be?… Even Jesus had to get away from the disciples on a regular basis. Will they be available in person, email, text, phone call etc…
What are the expectations they have for you?
Read a book a week, Write a paper, track your quiet time, start a prayer journal, meet with you and your wife once every 3 months
Friday May 28, 2021
Nuclear War 4
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
When you sin Its about Jesus - Run to the light
John 8 the woman caught in adultery.
They bring her before Jesus and he could have cast a stone… but instead he wrote on the ground.
*he was in the temple… the ground is stone!
Exodus 24:12 God writes the 10 commandments.
Jesus is stating right here “I gave the commandments, and I am the only one who can keep them… thus I am the judge and jury”.
Go and sin no more…
They bring her to the light…
Go and sin no more
Will she still sin - Yes…
Go and sin no more
Does God berate her knowing she will sin again?
NO - Go and sin no more
When you sin a 1000 times and bring it to the light he says “GO AND SIN NO MORE!”
Final warning:
You may walk out of here and not sold on this…
In a sense you are going to rebel and still try to take it on by yourself… DANGER DANGER DANGER…
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
you must submit… then he will flee
Double minded? I want the light, I don’t walk in the light!
Thursday May 27, 2021
Nuclear Warfare 3
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
v.21 so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
Here is our weapon of choice… expose it!
There is a difference between struggling in sin and living in darkness
struggling in the light!
Take it to God, Run it through Gods word and move on.
Major Breakthrough… Satan battling my mind that Kim was having an affair… This went on for a few weeks and I was just going nuts…
one day in my car driving God said “what if Kim is having an affair… what does my word say? I said well you words says that you restore, that you heal and that you will carry me by your grace to continue to love her and not leave her and nothing she does can change my love for her”
AND IT WAS LIKE “BOOOOOM” The air cleared…
Not only did I realize Kim was NOT having an affair
I immediately realized this was satan
I also had a massive grace bomb go off inside me
I ACTUALLY WENT HOME THAT NIGHT and told my wife if you ever have an affair - Im not leaving you, I told you I would love you for ever and I will! She looked at me weird and said with a smile “ok, but Im not ever going to have an affair”… I said “I know, but I needed you to hear that for me”.
Run to the light of Christ, and his word.
Wrestle with God in the light
Do you openly talk to God about it…
Porn star at the gym!
Do you openly share your struggles with other strong Christian men?
Stay in the light
The light destroys the works of the devil
When you mess up satan wants to make it all about you and what you did.
Whats your sin? - Let me hear it?
Its about Jesus.
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Nuclear Warfare 2
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
We don’t fight to simply stay alive…
We don’t fight to simply win…
We as men of God fight to destroy! What does 2 Corinthians 10 say again?
We are to destroy, destroy, take prisoner and demolish and make our enemy obey us.
That sounds like total dominion… yep!
2 Cor. 10:2 I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world. 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.
He is a bully he can make you feel like your missing out and inadequate - Reese punching kid who was going to rape the girl
He is in your mind - he drops thoughts in and and then blames you for having them. - think of a red elephant at the circus (how dare you think of a red elephant) - These are strongholds… what we repeatedly think.
STRONGHOLDS. what we repeatedly sow into our thought life.. and don’t adjust according to the word of God.
How many times have you felt guilty for thinking something that satan dropped into your mind… and you just stew on it.
Run it through the word of God.
Shame is his weapon
He wants you to live in fear - fear of missing out, not having enough, being different, unaccepted,
Condemnation - exposes with shame, overblown and gives no hope
Conviction - specific, sweet and an offer to help
Condemnation - Look what you did!
Conviction - Look what Jesus did!
Let me ask you a question…
Why do we as men hide our struggles and our sins?
Pride & Image…??? MAYBE????
NOPE! Its because we don’t believe what Jesus did on the cross!
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Nuclear Warfare
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
97X PODBEAN Apple Podcast
webstix.com Tony Herman - the coolest cat on the net
Code: wellbuilttda 15% off
Here's a sharable link: https://wellbuiltsupplements.com/discount/wellbuilttda
Daily Greens probiotic, vegan protein, whey protein, Digestive enzymes, Omega 3’s, Performance energy, Performance BCCA’s, Vitamins for men, Vitamins for women and a whole lot more.
Right now I am pumping the greens and Pre-workout and loving them both… Heres a secret “I’m on them right now as I do my podcast”.
2 Cor. 10:2 I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world. 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.
Jon Barr - BLACK BELT MAGAZINE - slip kick
If you catch me I will kill you
Jon would say: Some of the best preparation you can do to get ready to fight is to study your enemy!
5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
????What are those arguments and pretensions satan uses against us!????
Satans tactics
Tactic #1
Question God and or lie about him
you can’t trust God
He doesn’t love you
He has forgotten about you
You are not good enough
Others are more spiritual
You will never be the man of God you want to be
You will never measure up
If I live for God my wife will flip
Others will always do better than you
You will be just fine
God will understand
You are better than most
You have plenty of time to make things right
Does his business in the dark… (your mind is dark without the word of God in it)
He asks for a bit and then eats the whole thing…