Friday Sep 01, 2023
I don’t care anymore
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Empathy depletion
Ego depletion
Mental fortitude depletion
Numerous tests have proven that our minds have a gas tank and we can quickly drain our energy when using to much of one area and not learning how to fill up our tanks on a regular basis.
This hits me between the eyes after a conversation I had with a man in our church. He came due to one of our permit to carry classes… he had recently given his heart to Christ, was delivered from alcohol and porn addiction.. but admitted that there still seemed to be more he was missing. So he decided to just quit filling his mind with anything other than scripture. He has trouble reading so he just started pumping the audio bible into his brain. He admitted he didn’t even know where to start so he asked his wife… where do I listen in the bible to hear about just Jesus. She turned him on to the gospels and he has never looked back. The transformation is none other than remarkable. Now after just 2 months of nothing but scripture in his earbuds he hears from God about others, he hears God speak to him about his life, he hears God tell him messages he is to give to the church and other communities.. he shared how he has had some incredible experiences where he was just engulfed in Gods love… and he is never turning back.
So I was convicted… I need to start filling up my tank more on scripture. Oh I read and pray daily, and I do it about an hour to 2 hours a day… but for some reason I thought it was a good challenge to take on…
We all wrestle with what it takes to be a person of God, to live victoriously and passionately for God… Maybe we just don’t put enough of Gods word into our minds.
He tells us all through out scripture…
His word is
Our lamp
Our bread
Our security
It blesses us
It protects us
It sanctifies us
It rules forever
It reveals us
It keeps us from sin
It gives us wisdom
It is our weapon
Oh yea and it builds faith into our daily walk
If there was a vitamin that did all this I can’t think of one person who would not be taking it daily, maybe even twice daily.
So quit looking for the secret and get back to basics… start consuming Gods word at a greater amount and watch what happens.
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Don’t listen to them!
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
The David Alliance
MingleMateMarry.com podcast youtube and website for the perfect marriage material and swag. They got a great hoodie called its a great day to be married… after today maybe some of you will want to wear purchase it… because many of you are not loving the days you are married…
Ezekiel 13
God says to Ezekiel… prophecy to the prophets that they should shut their mouths, they will be judged.
God says they follow their own spirit
They prophesy their mind
Things they have never seen or know nothing of
They speak from a deceptive heart
They use witchcraft, divination
They speak lies, empty words
They speak only to the evil desires of the peoples hearts
The danger is God tells Ezekiel that the people are seduced… they do not know the prophets are speaking all of this simply to scratch their itch… speaking against Gods heart.
God says everything that people believed - the lies that were told - it will all be violently torn down.
So I truly believe that the media will become more and more corrupt up until the days of Christ return. I do not trust the media… when I share my opinions on social media, sermons, conversations or my podcast I share with the mindset that the media is lying because if they say what is contrary to scripture- its a lie. If they say we need to do A, B, C… because of reasons D, E, F… and it is not biblical - than without a doubt its a lie.
If I post a celebration on the overturn of Roe vs. Wade and people attack me… even Christians, who use their twisted logic… it does not matter who spoke or shared the information… its a lie. Abortion for any reason is not biblical, it is not right, it is not Godly… it is a lie. When people scream that we need to conserve oil, cut down on fossil fuels and go to electric devices including cars… it is a lie. God says in his word to subdue the earth - to drain it dry of all its resources because when Jesus comes back during the millennium he will restore the earth to its fullness. BTW did you know the country of Venezuela has more oil in it to be tapped than all of the oil consumption the world has used up to this time… But people will use globalism to promote lies.
I could give you a 10 point lesson on who and how to know who to trust… but its much easier than that. Is there person a flaming on fire all out 100% follower of Jesus and known by his fruit? he is probably reliable… now is what he or she saying biblically based? NOW you can find out if you can trust them.
The world is full of false prophets… starting with 99% of all the news outlets… be as wise as servants and harmless as doves.
Finally - be like Ezekiel and speak against them using the foundation of scripture as your argument. You will still get crucified in the press, the circle you hang with, the school board mtg, the social media lines you cross… but at least you are not promoting the false prophets.
My last thought: speak against lies and speak the truth not expecting for them to change. You don’t speak so that they change - you simply speak the truth because its right.
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
But did you do it?
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
1. What’s a worldview?
A worldview is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. “[It’s] any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world and man’s relations to God and the world,” says David Noebel, author of Understanding the Times.
Someone with a biblical worldview believes his primary reason for existence is to love and serve God.
Other examples of worldviews
- Secular worldview: A secular worldview teaches that beliefs are a matter of personal preference, not absolute truth. Truth in a secular worldview comes from reason and science.
- Scientific worldview (Scientific Naturalism): Our Biblical Worldview textbook defines a scientific worldview as, “A worldview which holds that there is nothing but natural elements, principles, and relations of the kind studied by the natural sciences (p 307).”
- Postmodern worldview: Postmodernism believes there is no absolute truth. Personal truth is determined by your upbringing and culture. It believes that truth is just used to suppress and oppress the less powerful.
- I would add a cultural worldview… constantly changing to what is now being promoted by our culture.
2. What’s a biblical worldview?
A biblical worldview is based on the infallible Word of God. When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you say and do.
Do you have a biblical worldview? Answer the following questions, based on claims found in the Bible and which George Barna used in his survey:
- Do absolute moral truths exist?
- Is absolute truth defined by the Bible?
- Did Jesus Christ live a sinless life?
- Is God the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe, and does He still rule it today?
- Is salvation a gift from God that cannot be earned?
- Is Satan real?
- Does a Christian have a responsibility to share his or her faith in Christ with other people?
- Is the Bible accurate in all of its teachings?
Did you answer yes to these? Only 9 percent of “born- again” believers did. But what’s more important than your yes is do you live it.
4. Why does a biblical worldview matter?
If we don’t really have one, we can’t live one, if we don’t live one and we say we have one… we are just confusing the world and living a lie.
what does Col. 2;8 SAY
“captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ” (Colossians 2:8).
Im concerned at the amount of Xns who say they believe in Jesus, the bible, and say they have a worldview… but don’t believe the bible and don’t live it… They obviously don’t understand what it means to say one believes…
I have only had 1… 1… I will say it again ONE couple in my office the past 20 years who say they are a christian and have actually not had sex with one another… or sex at all. ONE in 20 years… and I have counseled hundreds! Thats the problem…
A woman says I will not submit to my husband… But says she is a Christian… and you tell her, well the bible says you have to submit… and she says I will obey God but I will not submit to my husband… DUH… We have got a problem…
your world view has not permeated your actions…
What do my actions say about my beliefs?
We really only have 2 options… change your beliefs to mirror your actions… or change your actions. If you say one thing, but do another you are a liar… If you do one thing but say another… again you are a liar.
Its not hard to wrap your head around… you just have to be willing to be honest with yourself, and ask God to show you your ways, your actions and your worldview…
Monday Aug 28, 2023
IT’S NOT ABOUT WINNING... you have already won!
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
We are not called to conquer we are called to occupy. There’s a difference in mentality. We are more than conquerors that has already been taken care of. We are to know claim victory, and occupy!
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Who said it?
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
But who said that?… but who said it. You know you understand as you move forward in life that what is said is important… but not as important as who said it. For instance… “when you hear they’re on fire…
what it means coming from a dance instructor
what it means coming from a fireman.
Is there anyone more conservative than an Episcopalian scholar… Yet they appointed a commission to study the subject of spiritual healing… meaning, Jesus healing people by the power of the spirit in him.
After three years they came back with this conclusion… the said the healing of the sick by Jesus was done as a revelation of Gods will for man. Because they discovered that his will is fully revealed, they further said “No longer can the church pray for the sick with the faith destroying qualifying phrase “if it be thy will”.
You cannot read the gospels without coming to the conclusion that Jesus had complete power and authority over all sin, demons, men and women, sickness, nature… you name it… and that we also as his followers have the same authority and power.
So why can’t we walk in this power and authority… well lets see what it says here in John 14
12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Lets be clear here, Jesus said not only will we have his power and authority, but to do even greater things than Jesus did… case closed.
In fact, William Jennings Bryan made this point: If Christ said it is written, and the devil said it is written, than why can’t you and I say it is written… it is written we will have greater power and do greater things… but wait… why don’t we see it happen so clearly in our lives.
Well again I think these verses point out something clearly missing in our walk… we are to have this power, do these signs, miracles and wonders… it must be as verse 13 says SO THAT GOD WOULD BE GLORIFIED, HE WOULD BE MADE TO LOOK GOOD, FAMOUS, GET THE ATTENTION… But if we are honest, how many of us really truly want the power to prove our walk, prove our spirituality and to look good… think of the social media posts I could make, the followers I would get, the books i would sell, the people I could hang with….
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
The Chicken or the Fear
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
The David Alliance
MingleMateMarry.com podcast youtube and website for the perfect marriage material and swag. They got a great hoodie called its a great day to be married… after today maybe some of you will want to wear purchase it… because many of you are not loving the days you are married…
New podcast starts Monday… I honestly cannot wait. It is hard to do a subject, cover it modestly in a complete way and punch in and out day to day. so the new podcast will be a video on our TDA youtube channel - the video will be posted, then the audio will be made available daily over the week.
Im’s kicking it off with brain, pornography, and devil addiction, affliction and possession…. how does that grab you?
Where did something come from?
Where did fear come from?
Where did we first see fear? In the garden of eden… adam and eve were afraid to show each other their nudity, they were afraid to stand before God… but why? SIN! Sin caused fear… who caused sin? the Debil… devil.
What came first the chicken or the egg? What came first sin or satan… or maybe free choice?
satan was able to choose do rebel against God… he had a free choice… was that considered sin? the origin of sin? these are all for another podcast… but we do know this FEAR came from a sin conscience - they were tricked into sinning by believing satans lies… it then created fear.
HEY ITS NO DIFFERENT… you have fear in your life today because you believe satans lies.
So all fear comes form sin… well not exactly.
The bible highlights 3 basic fears.
Respectful fear - the awe of God
Protective fear - actual danger, traffic, fire, animals
Assumed or controlling fear - fears that dictate behavior outside of Gods design.
Believing satans lies can actually make you not fear God… that is still due to sin.
But what i want to challenge you on today on is… what lies are you believing that has a controlling fear… or maybe it is easier to first identify the fear and ask yourself what is the lie behind that fear.
You fear tithing because you believe the lie that God will not honor your tithe and will not take care of you.
You fear praying for soemoenes healing because you fear they will not be healed and God will not be glorified… and actually you fear looking foolish.
You fear stepping out in faith by giving up some friends in order to be more like Jesus.
You fear you kids will never come to Jesus..
you fear you fear you fear… all because you believe a lie somewhere that satan has told you.
But when you know the truth the truth shall set you free! John 8:32… you will be liberated…
Fear blinds you
Truth gives sight
John 16:13However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come. 14He will glorify Me by taking from what is Mine and disclosing it to you.…
The truth discloses… turns on the light… pulls back the curtain, gives you the Ah Ha moment.
Here is your Process: God here is my fear…(identify it) what is the lie behind it….(identify it)
show me the truth…(God show me) and TA DA… now I see what I should do.
BUT you still gotta have the faith to act on the truth.
But when you know the truth the truth shall set you free! John 8:32
To become known by doing.. learning by doing.
So lets repeat the process.
Name the fear
Find the lie behind it
God show me the truth
God give me the strength to step out in faith
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Intimacy vs. Intimidation
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
The David Alliance
MingleMateMarry.com podcast youtube and website for the perfect marriage material and swag. They got a great hoodie called its a great day to be married… after today maybe some of you will want to wear purchase it… because many of you are not loving the days you are married…
I journal a lot. Not just my quiet time, but also every book I read, podcasts, sermons online, audio books - you name it and I journal it. So I am reading my old journal from about 20 years ago and there is a simple quote that I wrote down that says Failure is simply a few choices in error every day. And success is simply a few disciplines practiced every day.
I couldn’t agree more… but then today I was also reading about how the enemy intimidates us… you see we do not fight against flesh and blood- we know that. So the enemy can’t punch us, kick us or physically push us around… there is some debate on that for another time… but the point is satan and his demonic influences basically can only drop thoughts into our head and that with living in a sinful world.. well, we have our hands full. But all this to say… I believe failure is more than a few choices in error every day… and more like it is actually bowing to intimidation a little every day.
Look I have grown up with the ideal that if the world starts saying you need to put a mark on your head or hand to buy food, use money or travel… we’ll we would say no way Jose - but we just came off of a season where we were told to wear masks, take shots, stay in doors, social distance, use digital currency so as not to spread germs… and people were intimidated to do just that.
Scripture is clear that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion… first off, if a lion is prowling he is old, he is roaring trying to get his prey to freeze up so he can catch them… His game is intimidation.
But think about it… its only noise! He’s to old to catch you, he is to old to compete against the younger lions, he is not willing to fight unless you are frozen in fear.
He intimidates! Thats all he’s got. but if you give into it a little every day… in just a few short days and weeks he owns you.
Do you recognize his intimidation?
Remember the spirit behind the object of intimidation…
The red sea was parted… it was not removed. The red sea was there to intimidate… God did not remove the intimidation, he just moved them through it.
Shad shack and benny thrown into the fire… he did not put the fire out… the fire was there to intimidate…
David and Goliath… Big G was there to intimidate… God did not take out Goliath, he had David go through him.
The demoniac running at Jesus when he got out of the boat… Jesus realized this was intimidation… and he stood his ground and did not falter. It is not the fire, the sea, the giant, the demon… it is the spirit behind it that is there to intimidate you.
Don’t run, don’t cry, don’t falter, don’t wither, don’t whine… recognize the intimidation… speak to it “thats all you got? All you got is fire? A giant? A sea? A demon?” and as David said “I come to you in the name of Jesus and today you will fall… today you will be handed to the birds to feed on you”. I will not be intimidated because i serve a God who rules all of eternity… I will not be intimidated because I am intimate with Jesus. Intimacy trumps intimidation every time!!!
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
My Revealer Lives
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
The David Alliance
MingleMateMarry.com podcast youtube and website for the perfect marriage material and swag. They got a great hoodie called its a great day to be married… after today maybe some of you will want to wear purchase it… because many of you are not loving the days you are married…
Nicole C Mullens - bubbles
Ephesians 1:7 Jesus is our redeemer
Heb. 9:12 Christ own blood made him our redeemer.
We find our redemption in Jesus and his work on the cross.
What ever is in the way of who we are meant to be in Christ… whatever is stopping our lives from living out all that he has for us… be it Slavery through sin, imprisonment through sin, misfortune through sin, debt through sin… this word deliverance means we are free from all and any of it.
Jesus is the redeemer… but it actually points to a newer understanding of how that works. The Schofield bible actually says that Redeemer points to his redemptive nature as seen in the OT name Jehovah. and that the names of Jehovah reveal who he is in relation to what has been stolen from us through sin.
so in a sense… He is Jesus our revealer and not just our redeemer.
but this is how it looks in scripture….
They are set up to be a continuous and self increasing self revelation to who God is according to what has been taken from us in a sinful world.
ok, at this point you are thinking… Garth I am choking on all the definitions and explanations… please make it simple, Im blond and from a public school and a democrat… (ok, that was funny)
First what are the names of Jehovah
Shamamah- The Lord is there.. he enjoys our presence.
Shalom - the Lord is our peace
Ra-ha - The Lord is our shepherd, willing to lay down his life for his sheep
Jireh - he is our provider
Nissi - our banner, our victory
Tsidkeneau- he is our righteousness, we are sinless in his sight due to his work on the cross
Rapha - our healer of all our diseases, sicknesses, illness
Redeemer always means he not only restores, he gives back more that what was first taken.
Our ground level example… We were born sinners, but he not only redeems us - aka forgives us our sins… - but he now covers us in his forgiveness and we are seen sinless in his sight… it is a once and for all covering. Way more than we deserve… it’s not a three strikes and your out.. its a three strikes your still forgiven, and thirty strikes and your still forgiven and 3000 strikes and your still forgiven… it is his grace that powers his redemption.
So now what does it mean They are set up to be a continuous and self increasing self revelation to who God is according to what has been taken from us in a sinful world.
Whatever has been stolen from us in a sinful world is redeemed (we get back more…) not in a perfect world, not when Christ comes back, not just if we live perfect lives… but while we live imperfectly and while we live in an imperfect sinful world… he continues to redeem our lives… This is our continuous self revealing ever increasing revelation of who God is.
Think about it… it will blow your mind. He is our redeemer, he is our redemption, he is our revealer!
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
It’s no wish... its you
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
The David Alliance
MingleMateMarry.com podcast youtube and website for the perfect marriage material and swag. They got a great hoodie called its a great day to be married… after today maybe some of you will want to wear purchase it… because many of you are not loving the days you are married…
Friday… get people to church!
We grow up as kids wishing… I wish I had a million dollars… or I wish I was a super hero… but did you realize that wether wish for some things or wish not for some things… you don’t have a choice… you are in fact it.
I wish I was a pastor… you are a pastor
I am sure glad Im not a pastor… You are a pastor
I wish I was a teacher… you are a teacher
Im glad im not a teacher… you are a teacher
I wish I was the boss… you are the boss
I sure am glad Im not the boss… you are the boss
I wish I was an evangelist… you are an evangelist
I sure am glad im not an evangelist… you are an evangelist
I wish I was worship leader… you are a worship leader
I am sure glad Im not a worship leader…you are a worship leader
What ever role of significance in developing your wife and your kids in any area and every area… you are foundational to that training.
1Tim 3:5 For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church?
Well Garth that’s just talking to pastors or people in ministry….
you are in ministry, you are a pastor…
1 Peter 2:9 You are a priest…
YOu must manage, you must preside, you must teach, you must do all the roles you long for and even if you don’t… you still have to do them as the head of the household.
Have you ever been in the position where you are given the lead, the person in charge, the CEO the boss…. and you quickly realize- I don’t want this. This is not what I signed up for, this is not what I want. But you as the husband… The house/Band you keep the house together. You keep everything together… You signed up for it… so trust God and move forward.
I was not trained in how to deal with a rebellious son, I was not trained in how to deal with a divorce in our family, I was not trained in how to deal with a wife who has an autoimmune disease, I was not trained in how to be a husband, father and son while battling cancer… but thats the role I have been given.
Matthew 25:14 the parable of the talents… one gets 5, one gets 2 and one gets 1…. God required responsibility and management over each amount - there was no “oh you only got one talent. well you get a pass for blowing it off… If you have just a wife or just one kid or maybe you are single… God requires the same responsibility and management over each life.
Luke 12:48 to whom much is given, much is required…
I don’t know any greater amount to be given than a child… It is a direct gift from the Lord… how well are you managing that gift?
Your role is to manage, to lead, to inform, teach and protect your family. Your wife, your child… Their response to your leadership is not up to you, you are simply called to lead. Are world is lacking Godly men to lead, to manage at work and at home, with kids and wives, with bosses and neighbors -